Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Grand Opera at 11 Adelaide Street West - 1921

Originally uploaded by Eric P + Concepteur + Designer + Graphiste

Another Great picture from the Archives of Toronto, taken in 1921.

The story of the Grand Opera House on Adelaide Street West is an unfortunate one. It went from grandiose first Opera House to creepy scandalous.

The building use to sit just west of Yonge. It was built in 1874 and many know people of the time played there. Even the Great Albani appear on scene! THIS WAS the place were it was happening.

But with the booming of the Vaudeville theater, its former glory was in the past. Over the years, it was the scene of many fires and human tragedy. The last owner vanished and soon after that it was revealed that he had kept a secret sex room there!

It got demolished in 1927.... Today, with the massive Scotia Bank Complex, the only reminder of this Toronto landmark is a small street known as "Grand Opera Lane". What replaced the Opera building is the façade of another building - the Wood Gundy - that was moved from it's original address (40 King Street).

Today, this stretch of Adelaide is quite busy with cars. and construction crews! They are building another GREAT GIGANTIC tower just in front..

If you need a bit more info, wikipedia has a small article.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Eric ! Donc tu as déjà pris des photos ? Bref, selon mes premières constatations, il faudrait que tes nouveaux immeubles est la même perspectives que les autres pour bien comparer. Ou la même proportion. C'est mon seul conseil. Sinon bon début de blog ! Ça va être intéressant ! Il faudrait référencer ton blog !
