Thursday, January 14, 2010

Don Jail, the construction site....

Don Jail
Originally uploaded by gorbould
So the work began on the Don Jail. A house was moved last summer (to make way for a wonderful temporary (I hope!) parking lot, while right in front of the jail facade, a crew started digging the dirt...

I passed in front of it last week and back then I wondered: is there anyone carrying about what they might dig out?!?!?!? After all, the land in front of the jail was not moved for a very long time.... One angry archeologist in the crowd, anyone???? For some obvious reasons, it made me think of the novel "Consolation" - a must read by the way if you live in Toronto!

To make me feel better about the entire thing, I decided to read the Bridgepoint planning for the jail once again. Some good things....

- Consume less energy;
- Use 20 per cent less potable water;
- Use storm-water runoff from the roof for landscape irrigation;
- Maximize the use of natural light; and,
- Divert at least 75 per cent of construction waste away from landfill
by recycling or salvaging construction materials.

But then the report made me angry for using this sentence:

"The main entrance will be publicly accessible, the Rotunda will be restored to its original beauty, and some cells and the gallows will be preserved for historical purposes."

I mean WOW, really? Preserved for historical purposes!?!?!? The ENTIRE THING should be preserved for "historical purposes"!!! Oh and P.S. When do you think they will tear down the 2 remaining houses "in the way" on their land??

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this info. I just to let you know that I just check out your site and I find it very interesting and informative. I can't wait to read lots of your posts.
    RegardS: jail booking codes
